27 research outputs found

    Adaptyvios programavimo mokymosi sistemos modelis

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjami programavimo mokymo ypatumai, apžvelgiama mokymosi stilių įvairovė bei mokymosi stiliaus įtaka mokymosi rezultatams. Plačiau aptariamas Herrmanno smegenų dominavimo instrumentas1 (HBDI), kuris leidžia besimokančiuosius suskirstyti pagal jų smegenų pusrutulio išsivystymą. Remiantis programavimo mokymo patirtimi ir fundamentaliais programavimo mokymo srities mokslininkų darbais, nagrinėjamos programavimo mokymosi sunkumų priežastys (programavimo srities specifiškumas, mokymosi būdų ir mokymosi metodų parinkimas), išskiriamos ir apibendrinamos esminės idėjos. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas adaptyvios programavimo mokymosi sistemos (APMS) koncepciniam modeliui pristatyti. Modeliuojama APMS leis priderinti mokymosi objektus, išrenkant juos iš mokymosi objektų saugyklų, ir užtikrinti atitinkamų kompetencijų pasiekimo lygį atsižvelgiant į besimokančiojo mokymosi stilių pagal Herrmanno skirstymą bei ankstesnę jo mokymosi patirtį.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: programavimo mokymasis, adaptyvi mokymosi sistema, Herrmanno mokymosi stiliai.Model of an adaptive programming learning systemJūratė Urbonienė SummaryThe paper analyzes the characteristics of programming training, reviews students’ learning styles and learning style influence on learning outcomes, the Herrmann brain dominance Instrument (HBDI), which enables to classify learners according to their brain hemisphere development. Based on the programming learning experiences and fundamental programming training, scientists’ works, the programming learning difficulties (sych as the programming field specificity, selection of learning styles and learning methods selection) are analyzed, and the key ideas are identified and summarized. The main focus is on adaptive programming learning system. The proposed adaptive programming learning system model will improve students’ motivation and the level of achieved results according to the pre-defined rules. The motivation will be improved by selecting a student’s learning style and most appropriate learning objects. It is planned to create the system of introducing this model and testing it with real learners. &nbsp

    Programavimo mokymasis: lyginamoji kalbos ir aplinkos analizė

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjami programavimo mokymo ypatumai, apžvelgiamos svarbiausios programavimo mokymo ir mokymosi tyrimo tendencijos pasaulyje, išskiriamos problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir daugiamete Jaunųjų programuotojų mokyklos patirtimi, nagrinėjamos programavimo mokymosi sunkumo priežastys: programavimo srities specifiškumas, mokymosi būdų ir metodų parinkimas, mokinių gebėjimai ir nuostatos, psichologinis motyvuotumas. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama programavimo kalbų ir aplinkos, tinkamos mokytis programavimo, kriterijams aptarti. Remiamasi fundamentaliais šios srities mokslininkų darbais, jie sisteminami, išskiriamos ir apibendrinamos esminės idėjos. Gilinamasi į programavimo mokymuisi tinkamų kalbų sintaksės ir semantikos ypatumus: patirtis rodo, kad pirmosios kalbos sintaksė daro didelį poveikį tolesniam mokymuisi, formuoja pažangią mąstyseną.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: programavimo mokymasis, programavimo kalbos, programavimo aplinka, sintaksė, programavimo kalbų kriterijai, Bloomo taksonomija, SOLO taksonomija.Learning Programming: Comparative Analysis of Languages and EnvironmentsValentina Dagienė, Jūratė Urbonienė SummaryDeveloping the abilities to master modern technologies and skills for solving problems is among the most important capabilities of an educated future citizen of any society. Problem solving based on the learning of programming is a very important part in understanding the information technologies.The question which language (together with environment) should be used in introductory programming has been discussed for many years. Several studies on the benefits of a certain language or comparisons between two languages have been conducted, but there is still a lack of systematic overviews of teaching and learning programming.The paper discusses the features of programming teaching, the most important research trends in programming education over the world, identifies the problems and their solutions. Based on literature review and multiyear experience in the Young Programmers’ School, the paper deals with programming teaching difficulties, especially with the selection of programming languages, learning and teaching methods, developing students’ skills and attitudes, psychological motivation. Investigations show that the first language syntax has a significant impact on the further learning and develops a certain mindset.The paper discusses a list of criteria based on an analyzis of research works all over the world. The criteria are used to compare some programming languages used at introductory programming courses. It focuses on the programming language suitable to start learning programming. Based on fundamental research works in thes area, the related criteria are organized, the key ideas are identified and summarized.The commonly accepted cognitive skills, Bloom’s taxonomy as well as the SOLO taxonomy and their application in teaching programming are discussed.span

    Discusion as a Method of Teaching

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    Santr. lietBibliogr.: p. 222 (4 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Mobile market - digital generation's way to buy

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    Gyvename amžiuje, kuriame pagrindine kasdienio gyvenimo priemone tampa informacinės komunikacinės priemonės, ypač išmaniosios mobiliosios technologijos. Mobiliosios aplikacijos yra neatsiejama pastaruoju metu sparčiai paplitusių išmaniųjų mobiliųjų telefonų ir planšetinių kompiuterių dalis. Kaip interneto svetainės tapo neatsiejama verslo dalimi, taip ir mobiliosios aplikacijos tampa ne prabanga, o būtinybe. Naudojantis jomis telefonas virto reklamos, nuolaidų, akcijų skrajute ir net parduotuve, kuri telpa vartotojo kišenėje ir visada yra po ranka. Tai viliojantis pasiūlymas ir verslui, nes mobilusis telefonas – pastovų ryšį turinti komunikacija ir atsiskaitymo priemonė. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama mobiliosios prekybos situacija pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje, išskiriamos vyraujančios tendencijos, taip pat analizuojamas 50-ties populiariausių Lietuvos elektroninių parduotuvių pasirengimas mobiliajai prekybai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: elektroninė prekyba, mobili prekyba.We live in an age in which the main tool of everyday life becomes information and communication technology, especially smart mobile technology. Mobile applications are an integral part of the recent rapid widespread mobile smart phones and tablet PCs. As a web site has become an integral part of the business, mobile application is not a luxury but a necessity. Using mobile application the phone turned into advertising, discounts, promotions flyer and even a store that fits in your pocket and always is in the user’s hand. This is a tempting proposition for the business, because a mobile phone (often and tablet PCs) – the regular to internet connected communication and reporting tool. The article gives an overview of the situation in the world and Lithuania mobile market, identifies trends, also analyzes the 50th most popular Lithuanian electronic stores preparation for mobile market. Keywords: electronic commerce, mobile market

    Use of Lean methodology identifying solutions for improving the quality of Utena university of applied sciences students final work's analysis chapter

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    Lean yra organizacijų veiklos gerinimo ir efektyvumo bei produktyvumo didinimo metodologija. Jos pagrindiniai objektai – įmonių bei organizacijų klientai, kuriems teikiama paslauga, pagal vidinius įmonės procesus, sukuriama pridėtinė vertė. Lean sudaro keletas įrankių, principų ir sprendimų, kuriais galima nuolat įvertinti ir tobulinti organizacijos klientams sukuriamos vertės efektyvumą. Lean metodologija pradžioje buvo skirta gamybos procesų optimizavimui. Šiuo metu ji taikoma ir kitose verslo sferose, tačiau aukštojo mokslo įstaigų veiklos gerinime Lean taikymas nėra populiarus. Nuspręsta pasirinkti vieną Utenos kolegijos paslaugą – IT studentų baigiamųjų darbų analitinės dalies rengimą – ir jos tobulinimą paremti Lean metodologija. Tobulinimo sprendimai pateikiami straipsnyje. Reikšminiai žodžiai: baigiamasis darbas, kokybė, koleginės studijos, analitinė dalis, Lean, trikdžiai, sprendimų generavimas, proceso gerinimas.Utena Univeristy of Applied Sciences (UUAS) since 2002 prepares specialists of Informatics Engineering study area, which consolidates their study results and demonstrates the acquired competences by preparing and defending the final work. It is no secret that representatives of the IT industry easily create a real product, but there are a lot of problems in preparing the final work description. The aim of the paper is to present the problems encountered in preparing analysis chapter of the final work of the Informatics Engineering study area at UUAS and provide solutions, insights on the possibilities to improve analysis chapter development process and the quality of final works. Objectives of the article: 1. Go through the process of analysis chapter development using Lean tools: recognize customer's (student's) expected value, detect gaps, identify wastes and causes for rework. 2. Understand current analysis chapter development process, identify milestones where wastes or problems causing rework are meet. 3. Generate solutions, identify level of impact and options to implement. 4. Change analysis chapter development process adopting agreed solutions. 5. Introduce quick wins of this year-round and provide recommendations for next year. The authors of the article believe that the identified wastes and problems causing rework can be avoided by changing analysis chapter development process. Provided solutions could be useful in preparing the final work of Informatics Engineering study area in other colleges. The conclusions of the article: 1. In the preparation of analysis chapter of the final works of Informatics Engineering study area at UUAS three main problematic areas are distinguished: Identified that wastes taking 60% of time in the analytical chapter development process; Identified 5 milestones of the process causing defects with rework outcome; Identified 6 main categories of root causes of the wastes and rework, impacting poor quality of the analytical chapter; Generated solutions for improvement of each category of root causes; Solutions categorized to easy and high, difficult and low by possibility to implement and impact after these solutions would be implemented; Prepared recommendations to start implementing solutions easy to implement with high impact for this year-round; Prepared recommendations to start implementing solutions high to implement with high value for next year. Keywords: final work, quality, college studies, analysis chapter, lean, wastes, solutions generation, process improvement

    Perspectives for new framework of teaching – learning foreign language with Moodle

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    Rapid advances in technology and computer aided teaching have offered new opportunities and opened new horizons for teaching and learning. In 2012 the distance learning programme of Fundamentals of Business English for extramural students was launched at Aleksandras Stulginskis University. Moodle-based e-Learning environment, an innovative way of teaching/learning in a tertiary education system enforced the application of new tools, new methodologies, approaches and framework to promote active foreign language teaching and learning. However, a technology itself does not promote learning or teaching; its effectiveness depends on the teachers’ and learners’ active participation and involvement. Implementing innovative tools of teaching/learning has called for a very close communication between the teacher and learner. Accordingly, the research on student feedback based upon the questionnaire has been undertaken to investigate the students approach to the Moodle-based e-learning and the impact technology has on the student attitudes towards learning foreign language through the computer.The article focuses on practical approach for the improvement of foreign language course design, outlines the advantages and disadvantages of Moodle assignments, activities and resourcesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The Effects of Note-Taking on Text Comprehension

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    Santr. lietBibliogr.: p. 243 (5 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij